Saturday, October 25, 2014

DHS faulted for expired, questionable pandemic response supplies at Ebola hearing

Another unpleasant surprise from our government!

The chief Homeland Security watchdog ripped the department at a hearing on Friday for not "thinking through" its purchase of millions of dollars' worth of pandemic response supplies, saying much of the protective gear and drugs are expired or will be soon.

Inspector General John Roth>>>

Darknets: Murky recesses of the hidden web


the hidden web

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The B-52 bomber turns 60 (photos)

A B-52 Stratofortress flies over the Pacific Ocean after an air refueling in support of exercise Rim of the Pacific, July 10, 2010.
1 of 24


  • A B-52 Stratofortress flies over the Pacific Ocean after an air refueling in support of exercise Rim of the Pacific, July 10, 2010.
    1 of 24

    B-52 in the air

    It was at the vanguard of aviation technology in the 1950s, and it's still going strong today: meet the B-52 Stratofortress. Like the multipurpose C-130 and the high-flying, super-spying U-2, also products of the '50s, the B-52 heavy bomber continues to show that old doesn't have to mean outdated, even in an era of rapid technological change. Just the opposite: through good maintenance and occasional updates, vintage tech can hold its own against flashier but more expensive, and more finicky, next-generation (and next-next-next-generation, even) designs.
                                                                                    Much More Here>>>

Pentagon withheld information about decades-old chemical weapons during Iraq War, report claims

Note:  Another lie not told !     mc

Monday, October 13, 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014

I Told You the Khorasan Group Doesn’t Exist

 What a diabolical, despicable and bold face lie to offer us.  Does he really think we are that gullible?  Please read on to discover the truth.  mc

September 29, 2014

 RUSH: I read a piece by Andy McCarthy, writes at National Review Online, the headline: "The Khorosan Group Does Not Exist." The Kardashian group.  We have affectionately begun calling them the Kardashians here.  Andy said, "The Khorosan Group Does Not Exist."

I said, "Sounds familiar.  Sounds really familiar."  And I remembered, oh, yeah, it was I, your host, El Rushbo, who pointed out last Wednesday that they don't exist.

 Andy's piece first.>>>

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Judicial Watch: Holder Went Down as We Forced DOJ's Hand on Fast and Furious in Court

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said in a statement on Thursday that Attorney General Eric Holder is resigning as his group is close to nailing the Department of Justice on Operation Fast and Furious. 

Judicial Watch just won a key battle in federal court against the administration on the Fast and Furious documents President Barack Obama asserted executive privilege over to hide them from the American people and Congress. Fitton said:
It is no coincidence that Holder’s resignation comes on the heels of another court ruling that the Justice Department must finally cough up documents about how Holder’s Justice Department lied to Congress and the American people about the Operation Fast and Furious scandal, for which Eric Holder was held in contempt by the House of Representatives. Over the past several months, Judicial Watch also exposed how Holder’s Justice Department was implicated in the IRS scandal and how Justice Department lawyers helped defend the illegal stonewall that kept secret key material related to Benghazi.
The court ruling to which Fitton>>>

Obama Goes To War With Weapons He Scrapped


National Defense: The president launches attacks on the Islamic State with two weapons systems that were targeted for elimination by the administration years before their usefulness ended or any replacements were ready.

With the decision to launch air and missile strikes against Islamic State targets in Syria, in addition to ongoing strikes in Iraq in what is said to be the start of a long and sustained campaign to "degrade and destroy" the terrorist group, President Obama has stumbled upon a revelation:

The military whose budgets he's slashed and weapons systems he opposed is suddenly quite useful.
As the Washington Post reported, the first strikes Monday night included a volley of 47 Tomahawk cruise missiles from two warships, the guided missile destroyer Arleigh Burke and the guided missile cruiser Philippine Sea. They are part of the George H.W. Bush carrier battle group led by the aircraft carrier of the same name.

The problem, as we reported back>>>


Saturday, September 20, 2014

How your innocent smartphone passes on almost your entire life to the secret service

30 juli 2014 16:46
Door Hans de Zwart

This article was originally written in Dutch by Dimitri Tokmetzis and was published by De Correspondent. Illustrations by Momkai.

 Intelligence services collect metadata on the communication of all citizens. Politicians would have us believe that this data doesn’t say all that much. A reader of De Correspondent put this to the test and demonstrated otherwise: metadata reveals a lot more about your life than you think.

Ton Siedsma is nervous. He made the decision weeks ago, but keeps postponing it. It’s the 11th of November, a cold autumn evening. At ten past eight (20:10:48 to be exact), while passing Elst station on the way home, he activates the app. It will track all of his phone’s metadata over the coming week.

Metadata is not the actual content of the communication, but the data about the communication; like the numbers he calls or whatsapps, and where his phone is at a particular moment. Whom he e-mails, the subject of the e-mails and the websites he visits.

Ton won’t be doing anything out of the ordinary. He’ll just lead his normal life. On weekdays, this means biking from his house in Nijmegen to the station and taking the train to Amsterdam. On Saturday, he’ll drive his car to Den Bosch and spend the night near Zuiderpark, returning to Nijmegen the next day by public transportation. Later on in the day he’ll have some drinks at a cafĂ© called St. Anna.

After exactly a week, on Monday, 18 November, he concludes the experiment, saying afterwards that he felt liberated when doing so. There’s an easy explanation for his nervousness: what he’ll be doing, where he’ll be and who he has contact with will be seen by tens of thousands of people. Today, by you and me, and all the other readers of this article.

Over the past months,>>>


Ebola crisis: Yes, we need to help but is Obama ready to keep Americans safe?

By Betsy McCaughey Published September 19, 2014

America is silently acquiescing to President Obama’s extraordinarily expensive and flawed plan to fight Ebola in West Africa.

Tuesday, Obama announced he is committing $763 million dollars and 3,000 military personnel to taming the outbreak that so far has killed 2,400 people.

Obama said nothing about temporarily banning commercial air travel between the U.S. and West Africa, in order to help prevent Ebola from coming here. Some 220,000 residents of West African countries have visas that permit them to enter the United States. 

As the disease increases exponentially>>>


Friday, September 19, 2014

The long haul

We could have told them that! What is the big surprise?

America’s plan is a decent one—but it will take a worryingly long time to bear fruit Sep 13th 2014

WHEN Barack Obama spoke to the American public on September 10th, his words had a bearing on more than just Islamic State (IS). His scheme to deal with the “cancer” of IS, the gravest terrorist threat since al-Qaeda, will work only if the Middle East can begin to overcome the chaos that has engulfed it. Equally, America can act as the leader of an enduring coalition against IS only if it can recover some of the status it has lost during years of retrenchment in foreign policy. What the president called “American leadership at its best” is thus both a fight against terrorism and a riposte to those who doubt American power.

Mr Obama’s scheme calls for a coalition>>>


Lawmakers renew call to roll back military cuts amid ISIS, Ebola fights

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Our Troops Have Work To Do Before Acting As Red Cross

So do I understand this message correctly?  3,000 troops to Africa and not a single troop to our Southern border.  What is totally wrong  with this picture. Tell me, tell me--who oh why? 

Boots On The Ground: The president declares that ground troops are a non-option against the Islamic State, then orders 3,000 troops to Africa as a surrogate Red Cross. The U.S. military should be too busy for that.

Operation United Assistance — that's the big new war effort against, um, Ebola. Ayatollah Ebola? Who is that, IS's chief mullah?

Radical Islam may be a disease that must be eradicated, but the president who promised the Democratic Party's base he would end wars has decided we can't even consider committing ground forces to combat the latest, terrifying outbreak of it in Iraq and Syria.

We can, however, have>>>


Sunday, September 14, 2014

'War Lite' No Winning Strategy Against Islamic State

Islamic State: "Degrade and ultimately destroy" is no war strategy, especially against a terrorist state scheming the infiltration of our southern border. "American leadership at its best" would be to destroy IS, ASAP.

Imagine President Roosevelt announcing after Pearl Harbor that first we have to "degrade" the Empire of Japan. Imagine Churchill promising, "We shall 'degrade and ultimately destroy' them on the beaches ... ."

Obama: Rout ISIL Everywhere (Except In U.S. Mosques)

Homeland Insecurity: President Obama has vowed to "hunt down (Islamic State) terrorists who threaten our country, wherever they are" in Iraq and Syria. News flash: They're also in American mosques.